Project Description: The section of the road runs between Terroba, past the municipality in a southerly direction, at the intersection towards Treguajantes, and Jalón de Cameros. These 6.7 kilometers are the busiest in the area since, in addition to receiving vehicles from the Sancho Leza and La Rasa passes, where Muro and Torre en Cameros are located, as well as Almarza and Pinillos, it has branches leading to the villages of Rabanera, Ajamil and Hornillos de Cameros, as well as the hamlets of Vadillos, Velilla and the aforementioned Treguajantes.
Work scope: Ismael Andrés executed this work as main contractor, carrying out all the earthworks, structures and drainage works, as well as the supervision of all slope stabilization works. The work was completed with the extension of granular pavements and asphalt pavements, the renewal of signaling and beacons, and the environmental restoration works.
Special features of the project: in this work Ismael Andrés used its specific slipforming machinery for the in situ execution of the curb-rail system, significantly improving the execution performance with respect to conventional execution, as well as improving finishes and eliminating joints. In addition, in this project, the use of prefabricated elements was proposed for the drains and roadway underpasses, instead of in situ, reducing the execution time and achieving higher quality finishes.
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