Layout improvement and platform enlargement of road A-2128, sections P.K. 46+670 to 48+750, and 49+820 to 55+980, between San Vicente de Arana and Santa Cruz de Campezo. Civil works projects
Construction of Murillo de Río Leza bypass, from road LR-259 to LR-261, PHASE II. Civil works projects, Engineering projects
Upgrading of the LR-250 road, section P.K. 30+000 to 36+700, between Terroba and Jalón de Cameros. Civil works projects
Upgrading of the A-3114 road, between K.P. 26+020 and 27+430, between Maeztu and Leorza. Civil works projects, Engineering projects
Paving in the construction of Circuito de los Arcos Civil works projects, Conservation projects, Engineering projects
Construction of Murillo de Río Leza Bypass, from road LR-259 to LR-261, PHASE I. Civil works projects, Engineering projects
Construction of junction and service roads in the Nalda-Albelda de Iregua section of the N-111 highway. Civil works projects
Punctual improvement in the LR-382 road crossing, P.K. 12+950 to P.K. 13+860, in Arnedo. Building projects, Civil works projects