Project Description: The current route of the A-3114 between k.p. 26+020 and 27+430 has an insufficient cross section, specifically between k.p. 26+020 and 27+430. 26+020 and 27+430 presents an insufficient cross-section, specifically between k.p. 26+020 and p.k. 26+830 it has a roadway width of about 4.5 meters, without shoulders. Between k.p. 26+830 and 27+430, which includes the passage through the town of Leorza, this is a particularly conflictive section because of the narrowness of the roadway, of the order of 4.5 meters, without shoulders, together with a very strict winding route, with very tight radii, especially in the accesses to the existing bridge over the Igorin River in the town of Leorza, a very narrow bridge that has been the object of numerous accidents, and which divides the town located on both sides of it. All this, together with the non-existence of sidewalks or pedestrian routes that allow the coexistence with a minimum of safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the safe connection between both banks of the Igorin River, makes this section potentially very dangerous, so that the improvement of the road in this section has been insistently demanded both by the Arraia-Maeztu Town Council and by the Administrative Boards of the area.
Work scope: Ismael Andrés is the main contractor of the project, carrying out all the earthworks, foundations and other geotechnical works, and all the execution and adaptation of the structures of the different bridges. The construction of the different drainage works, the extension of granular pavements and asphalt paving have also been undertaken in their entirety. Finally, the work was completed with the renovation of the signaling and protections, and the environmental restoration.
Project peculiarities: Our technical team undertook the challenge posed by the execution of this work in a very sensitive natural environment, where the route is located in mink breeding areas, whose deadlines have been fully respected within the work schedule.
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