Project Description: Construction of the Arnedo bypass on roads LR-115 and LR-123 (from intersection LR-115 and LR-123 to LR-123) to prevent heavy traffic from the numerous industrial estates in Arnedo from passing through the town.
Work scope: Complete execution of the work (granular and asphalt pavements, signaling, beaconing and environmental restoration) and coordination of additional services (steel structure and assembly).
Special features of the project: Two bridges were built, one with prestressed concrete girders over the Cidacos River and the other with a 60 m span and 50 m high steel structure over the Planamira ravine. There was also an intersection with the LR-115 (Arnedo – Aldeanueva) with an underpass at different levels of both roads made of reinforced concrete. A park was assembled on site for the “in situ” construction of all the prefabricated elements of the work.
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