Layout improvement and platform enlargement of road A-2128, sections P.K. 46+670 to 48+750, and 49+820 to 55+980, between San Vicente de Arana and Santa Cruz de Campezo.
Location: Santa Cruz de Campezo, Álava, Spain.
Clients: Provincial Council of Alava
Budget: 8.835.100,22 €.
Finishing year: In progress
Collaborators: Sole awardee

Project Description: Expansion and improvement of a 7 km long road between San Vicente de Arana and Santa Cruz de Campezo. Large volume decompensation: excavation of 210,000 m3, of which 100,000 m3 must be moved to the landfill contemplated in the project (next to PK 6+000 of the work). Exclusively rock removal in the first 5 kilometers of the work (from San Vicente to the Orbiso intersection), where blasting is necessary to extract 100,000 m3. From Orbiso to Campezo, land clearing where a large part of the existing platform is used.
Work: Ismael Andrés is the main contractor for the project, carrying out all the earthmoving activities, supervising and coordinating the blasting, as well as the recycling of the material obtained from the blasting. The construction of the different structures, the extension of granular pavements and the asphalt paving were also undertaken in their entirety. Finally, the work was completed with the renovation of the signage and protections, and the environmental restoration of this natural area of great value.
Special features of the project: Our crusher is used to produce 50,000 tons of selected soil with the material from the blasting. The limitation of blasting from March 15 to July 15 by the EIA due to the eagle breeding season has had a great impact on the planning of the work. The largest possible volume of blasting is carried out between February and March 2023 in order to have material with which to backfill in the Orbiso-Campezo area (section where there is no excavation and there are embankments) and not to stop the work until the restriction is lifted.
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