Commercialisation of materials
Over the years, we have developed this division with our own infrastructures that are benchmarks in their field in the manufacture and recycling of asphalts, concretes and sustainable aggregates with certified and recognised quality.
The construction of roads, tracks, stations, ports and other transport infrastructures requires in-depth knowledge of materials, project planning and civil engineering in order to carry them out correctly and solidly, focusing on traffic safety. At Ismael Andrés we have been carrying out different transport and mobility infrastructure projects for years.
The planning, construction, conservation and maintenance of the different transport infrastructures are part of the services that Ismael Andrés provides to society, taking goods and people wherever they are needed. An activity focused on citizens and which provides a response to all types of transport: river, maritime, air and land transport.


The development, manufacture and implementation of asphalt agglomerate is one of the hallmarks of Ismael Andres, being a reference in the beginning in asphalt paving through surface treatments, and, later, with hot mixes.
We have an asphalt plant located in Logroño that has the latest advances in this area, which allow the manufacture of more sustainable mixtures with recycled material, semi-hot mixtures that allow us to reduce the energy consumption of manufacturing, which comes from clean energies such as photovoltaics and natural gas. With this we pursue/seek to include our asphalts in the circular economy, reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact of these processes.
We develop and certify our own mixtures, achieving work formulas and reference methodologies for the sector in our environment, also having our own asphalt control, research and development laboratory.
All our products are certified and undergo exhaustive and demanding quality controls internally and by different independent organizations.
We have two asphalt mixture paving teams with more than 40 years of experience in this field, which serve both our infrastructure portfolio and all those unique paving that our clients demand.
We have technical personnel who are experts in this technique, with the ability to adapt to the needs of each project and each client, designing successful, effective and long-lasting alternatives.
Ismael Andrés has two fully equipped production plants for the manufacture of concrete, mortar, soil-cement and gravel-cement. A fixed plant, located in Lanciego (Álava), and a mobile plant, currently located in Logroño (La Rioja). The latter, given its typology, can provide service in any geographical area if the work requires it.
These plants were created with the clear purpose of supplying Ismael Andrés’ own works, limiting their sale to the general public. With this, efforts were focused on achieving above-average quality products, through development and research, mainly in concrete, using additives developed by renowned manufacturers. This line of production has led us to obtain products of excellent quality, adding value to our works.
The prestige acquired by our products has led us to supply the most singular and important projects in our environment, responding to the trust placed in us by our clients, designing specific work formulas for each project.
We control and monitor each manufacturing process, we have our own fleet of concrete mixers that guarantees transport and our technical team puts its experience, knowledge and continuous training in technical advances at the service of the customer to achieve a perfect implementation.


We have two aggregate manufacturing centers, with a quarry located in Cenicero (Rioja Alta and Álava area) and another one in Murillo de Río Leza (Rioja Baja and Navarra area).
Our manufacturing policy is identical to that of concrete, being specialized in the manufacture of aggregates for the formation of granular pavements, both for our works and for large-scale projects in our area of influence. All our aggregates and gravels are certified under different independent organizations, reaching high quality standards.
In the same way, we manufacture the aggregates to be used in our asphalt mixtures and our concretes and mortars, thus being able to control the entire life cycle of the material from its origin in the quarry. These aggregates are certified with the highest quality, completing the own certificates of asphalts and concretes manufactured, guaranteeing the excellence of the whole process.
Likewise, we are Authorized Managers of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW), which allows our facilities to reconvert such waste from our works into recycled aggregates for reuse, thus contributing to the circularity of our actions.
Our materials marketing projects

Layout improvement and platform enlargement of road A-2128, sections P.K. 46+670 to 48+750, and 49+820 to 55+980, between San Vicente de Arana and Santa Cruz de Campezo.

Construction of Murillo de Río Leza bypass, from road LR-259 to LR-261, PHASE II.

Logroño Bus Station

Upgrading of the LR-250 road, section P.K. 30+000 to 36+700, between Terroba and Jalón de Cameros.

Upgrading of the A-3114 road, between K.P. 26+020 and 27+430, between Maeztu and Leorza.